Free Screening

Before revealing unpatented ideas to others, besides your patent attorney or agent, you should exercise diligence by having a Confidential Disclosure Agreement in place. This can add a level of protection for your ideas and trade secrets.

Docie Marketing and Docie Development offer this special on-line Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA) to inventors. Upon acceptance, you may print the CDA for your records. This is a free service and part of our commitment to helping the independent inventor.

To proceed please download the following documents:

  • Confidential Disclosure Agreement ( PDFWORD)
  • How to Submit Inventions to Docie Marketing ( PDF WORD)


Option 1

Free Evaluation
With your free initial evaluation, you will receive a screening and review of your invention, and a recommendation as to which of the Docie invention services may be most appropriate for you.

In order to provide you with the best possible review, please fill out our brief questionnaire about your invention project. Submit it to us via e-mail, fax, or mail.

Click here for your Free Evaluation

Option 2

In-depth Evaluation and Recommendation by Ron Docie, Sr.
In addition to the information you receive in the free evaluation, Mr. Docie will personally review your invention project and make recommendations based on your particular situation. This may include recommendations regarding patenting, post patenting strategies, which of the various services other than Docie Invention Services may be appropriate for your exact situation, and advice that typically helps to save inventors thousands of dollars and a great amount of time and heartache; well worth the cost. Please phone us at 740-594-5200 for this service. Cost: $199.00

Option 3

In-depth Evaluation, Recommendation, and Consultation
In addition to receiving an in-depth evaluation review of your invention as above, you may spend up to 30-minutes to discuss your invention project with Mr. Docie personally and have a conversation about the recommendations and specific advice to help you further your invention project and reduce your risk. Benefit from over three decades of his experience. Please phone us at 740-594-5200 for this service. Cost: only $299.00